Subdivision Layout & Platting
If you happen upon a residential or multifamily subdivision development in and around the greater Asheville area there is a good chance McAbee & Associates performed the professional surveying services involved with the the development. Our firm has rendered professional services on a vast amount of subdivisions in the area. We have successfully completed subdivision projects varying in scope from massive 500+ lot residential communities to estate tract subdivisions for conveyances to heirs. We take great pride in the satisfaction our clients express in our work, and we enjoy an unparalleled amount of repeat business from prior clients. This, in our belief, is the paramount analysis of how a professional services firm such as ours is performing. If you have a subdivision project and would like to work with a firm with a proven track record and high level of expertise, please contact us. For more information on subdivision surveys and our abilities please see the listing below.
Residential Subdivisions:
McAbee and Associates has extensive experience and knowledge in the layout and platting of residential subdivisions. As you can see in the small sampling of developments below, we have completed many very large and prestigious developments in the area. We are able to consistently meet the demanding schedules and deadlines involved with even the largest residential developments because our firm utilizes all aspects of the latest technology available in both the mapping and field layout arenas. This commitment to staying on the cutting edge of technology coupled with the size and expertise of our staff ensures we meet and exceed our client's expectations. Our firm takes a proactive approach in looking out for the potential conflicts such as zoning regulations, grading challenges, easement conflicts, etc. that may have been missed during the design stage of the development. Our 20 plus years of experience has taught us exactly what works and doesn't. With that being said, why not get the same level of expertise and dedication on the design portion of your project as you can get on the layout and platting? Check out our design services for more information.
McAbee and Associates has also performed countless smaller scale minor and special subdivisions (generally the division of a parent tract into no more than 10 lots) and estate/inheritance subdivisions for heirs. We have an exhaustive working knowledge of the local County and City subdivision ordinances and can guide you through the process of applying these ordinances to your property. Our firm will follow through with the same dedication and excellence on your minor, special or family subdivision that we do on all of the other larger surveys we prepare. With our ability to bring such a high level of professional ability to your project why not benefit from the confidence and assurance you will gain from selecting McAbee & Associates to perform your survey.
Multifamily Subdivisions (Town Home / Condominium Developments):
If your subdivision project will involve multifamily dwellings in all or part of the development your selection of a professional land surveyor is a very important one. These highly detailed and concentrated subdivision projects require a professional that not only knows the varied procedures and local land use ordinances involved in getting preliminary approval on these highly scrutinized developments, but also has the expertise and knowledge to turn your project around in a timely manner. With our broad design capabilities and extensive site design / grading expertise we can ensure that your project will not only garner the approval of the applicatory planning board/committee, but that it will also be one that can be put on the ground in the most cost effective and suitable manner. On developments with existing designs we have prevented significant delays and construction costs for our clients using this same knowledge to critique and foresee potential conflicts with existing designs. Another important consideration to take into account on these developments is the high level of detail required on the final plats. The fact that we get calls from other surveyors in the area regarding these platting requirements and procedures is a testament to our level of expertise. Allow us to put our expertise and efficiency to work on your project.
Commercial Subdivisions:
If you are working on a commercial development you probably already know all about the many planning board and or technical review committee approvals necessary as well as the land use / zoning ordinances that must be adhered to. These projects can become quite complex as they progress from the conceptual stage to the formal approval and ground breaking stage. We at McAbee & Associates have a long list of successful commercial developments in our archive of past projects. With our vast amount of experience and high level of commitment to our clients our firm is an excellent choice for your professional surveying needs on your commercial subdivision project.
Conservation easement surveys |
Curb layout surveying |
Right of way surveys |
Site grading layout surveying